Nazgul Zholdoshova
Acting Secretary of Commission on Education, Culture, Social and Humanitarian Affairs
+994 12 563 58 29

Graduated from Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Faculty of International Relations, Department of Political Science.

She headed the Youth Parliament in the Kyrgyz Republic during her professional career from 2011 to January 2024.

For more than 14 years she has been the director of the Public Fund "Foundation of Civil Ideas" which was engaged in the development of parliamentarism, youth, education, and civic participation.

She was an expert in research, consulting, mentoring, design, and management activities in the areas of youth development both in rural and urban areas. She held various projects in international organizations and also worked as a consultant for legislation of Education, Youth, etc.

Started working in TURKPA as Acting Secretary of Commission on Education, Culture, Social and Humanitarian Affairs since February 2024.